Okay, now that we still have Australia showing up on the map after the May 21 hysteria I think it’s safe to say we told you so. I am really amazed at the aspect of the frenzy and it’s media coverage. You would have thought Micheal Jackson was resurrected. Many people on Facebook and blogs have written about such things, and also ripped into the community of Christians and any other company of people with faith. That’s fine. We still love them and we love their dogs too.
We all had a bit of fun about it. I had friends that did a great joke and put their clothes at their desk so when their boss came in the “joke” was on him who would be left behind...yet he was one to play into the May 21st stuff. We’ve heard the crazy stories of people selling up and doing it tough in the RV and spreading the Word...at $4 bucks a gallon in a gas guzzlin’ mobile home. I’ve always wanted to go cross country in an RV..but I can’t afford the gas. We tragically also have heard about the women who killed her own children and then took her own slice out of life with her knife. Earlier this year,we’ve got the Koran burning pastor in Florida and more skeletons in our doctrinal closet will be found and so...I could go on and on about stories like this. There are two things that I think of by the way when I hear the words Camping and Kool Aid. Jim Jones and David Koresh. I personally think we should change to lemonade in our church...I hate red punch for this reason. It just wigs me out. Stories like these and the media frenzy do not paint anyone with faith in a good light let alone a person of faith that actually believes in the return of Christ for that matter and makes me look like a lunatic to the world. But again, that’s fine. Even Jesus’ own brothers didn’t believe in him as the Messiah during his ministry on earth.
I feel for the families that have put so much of their hope in a feeble person such as Mr. Camping. I feel for Mr. Camping who at his ripe old age is scratching his head and going back to the drawing board on his life’s work...and all for nothing. Dude...your not that special that God is going to give you the time and the day of His coming before he lets Jesus know. This is just a very self centered way of thinking and it actually is not living out any aspect of faith. In the meantime, Family Radio has accumulated 80 million dollars worth of donations. They are rolling in it like the money machine. You heard me...80 MILLION DOLLARS (said with Mr. Evil’s pinky voice) This man Camping is a charlatan, a medicine man and a false prophet. Do you know if in the Old Testament that if some one's prophecies didn’t come to 100% fruition they were stoned to death? YIKES!! That’s how high the expectation was for the position and not exactly a sign on bonus to encourage people to ascribe to that position. According to the Old Testament law of Moses, Howard Camping is basically a false prophet and deserves to die and this actually is what many even worldly people out there think he should get. What do we do as people of faith with the likes of a false prophet in our midst? It kinda says what God does with someone who is a false prophet.... it somewhere in the end....of the...Bible and it doesn’t look pretty....lots of fire and stuff...let’s move on.
Well, I have come to know the only way your going to know truth from fiction is by not just knowing the truth...but LOVING the truth. There are so many other aspects to faith than what has been displayed with the latest American Prophet reality show we’ve just seen. What about selling all our possessions and giving it to the poor? What about loving your enemies? How about loving God? What about loving each other? What about taking care of the most vulnerable in our society to loneliness and depression or children with AID/HIV in Africa? What about spending that money to help the people of Haiti or Japan or help the south with all it’s floods? What about making disciples of Christ? I’ve seen pictures of these families that have bought into this movement and they look like a typical American family. A family on vacation not a mission trip to Africa.
So now that it’s May 22...now what? Maybe the likes of Mr. Camp will not be that appealing. Maybe they will dig deep themselves into scripture and discover what God really wants them to do until His return. It might look a lot different that what they expected if they look at what the Bible literally says. God still loves them just like he loves the people who made fun of them, mocked them and called them crazy. (Even ME) To live a life of faith is letting go and letting God handle the rest of the big stuff like the “end of the world” . What will the of the world look like according to what God promises? I know this, He promises never to leave us nor forsake us...he will and does make ALL THINGS NEW. He created all things, and sustains all things. He is the one on the Throne, not our feeble minded ideas of who He is. Faith is a HOPE, not a curse. This is what I count on as a person of faith. There are many many theological aspects to living a life of faith and my life looks nothing, nothing like this typical American family that bought into a false teaching. It seems like if people sold everything they own to ride around in a $50,000 RV and guzzle gas, leave their children, leave spouses...and in one case...even kill their own children because they thought it was the end of the world that they missed not just the boat...but the point of having faith all together
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