Saturday, December 1, 2012

Back in the Saddle!

I am resurrecting the old blog! Why? Because I have so much to say. 

No, really. I am a bit of a writer, and I haven't been writing so I believe this has contributed to massive insomnia for me. So early this morning I was reminded that I used to actually spend some of my day in the practice and art of writing. I have been writing, just more academic papers for my degree in Biblical Studies. I was inspired by my school, and a recent very affirming email that I was a good writer...even if the content of my writing was not appreciated in this particular email, it was the spark I needed to basically get back in the saddle so to speak and get  typing.

Things I tend to write about. My life. Theology. Being a wife, a mother and Biblical Studies student.
Sometimes I rant. Sometimes I just share a little perspective that I think is missing in the larger conversation in a progressive community. I am kind of a feminist, but not the militaristic crazy hair brained kind. More of a Deborah from the book of Judges feminist, which means that I really appreciate when men grow spinal cords and stand up for what is right instead of letting the ladies do all the dirty work. See what I mean? Feminist...but not shave my head bald and sing ripping up a picture of the Pope. Well...I might do that. But that's another story for another blog.

So with the resurrection of my blog, kindly click on to follow me and trust won't be bored with my posts. 

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