Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Fisher Cat Day!

So how about some comic relief? Between ice dams leaking in my kitchen, and bathroom, snow days mid week and family members being sick I think the good old fashioned medicine in order is some humor. It’s February and this is not yet “hump” month in New England...that’s more like April. We have had record snowfall and everyone knows that more is coming, after all several years ago I remember it snowing on April first. I think that was God’s way of saying it’s spring! April fools! At this point, we hear reports from our family in Australia about how hot it is, in fact they’ve had cyclone Yasi hit. That means fall is around the corner on that end of the globe like hurricane season over here indicates climatic change. So hear me when I say the change is coming! But here in New England it seems like the same weather forecast over and over again. A bit like the good ol’ movie Groundhogs Day with Bill Murry. This is always been one of my favorite movies because I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA and that cute little furry groundhog was a national my childlike eyes of 8. I love comedy and I love movies. Especially the silly slapstick ones with Bill Murray. So if you are finding it hard to cope with the weather, the dark, the bitter cold or if you are sick and tired of hearing the drip, drip drip of water in a bucket or maybe you are reminiscing of that hot day in tropical paradise you had last year in February and wished you hadn’t complained about it maybe a comedy choice on Netflix is the medicine you need.

Laughter is one of the best ways to cope with adversity, don’t let anyone else tell you different.
Like people laugh when they are nervous. That is a load of you know what. Laughter is Life!
At this point in what the weather brings, I have to laugh. I laugh at the weather report. I laugh at the thought of all of New England having to shovel their roofs, not once but three times a week.
I am laughing and crying at the same time. Crying because it feels so good to know that March is around the corner and Puxitawny Phil furrball will be groundhog soup if he isn’t right this year. We need our own New England animal that we yank out of hibernation to ask prophetic weather questions of. I think the animal should reflect the types of winters for the area of the nation. For New England, I say Fisher Cat. Let’s ask Mr. New England Fisher Cat if we are going to have 6 more months of this shall we?

Snow, partly cloudy with snow, more snow, ice pellets, sun...which melts the snow and makes ice dams, then more snow, rake roof with neighbors rake because they are all sold out at home depot, Snow, partly cloudy with a “wintery mix”, more snow...another snow day, people running to the store like crazy people buying milk and bread, water leaking into kitchen and ice man, ice man says...I’ll put you on the list, insurance adjuster comes...more snow, rake roof, find water in the basement, kids have cabin fever, send them outside to make an igloo, go to the store and pray to find Easter eggs coming soon because you are sick of snow flake motifs and don’t even want to look at candy hearts because it’s a reminder that it’s only Feburary, the cashier says even a bigger storm is coming on Superbowl Sunday, that means....SNOW! Rake roof, shovel the driveway, defrost the car to get to the store, dig a spot for the dog to pee, knock icicles off roof so kids don’t get impaled or blinded, sun and maybe some rain, this cascades off your roof into your basement and down the side of your house, Freezing rain and ice, sub zero temps that encrust your entire home in ice....don’t forget to salt the walk so the mailman delivers your Netflix comedy film.

See, when you have winters like’ll go to the extreme risk of mulling yourself to ask a sleeping Fisher cat what the next 6 years will be like. Phil is very tolerable, he should be commended for his service. Most of the time he’s wrong. So, my recommendation is to find some comic relief where you can. Make some tea, make a fire and get those comedy films delivered to your house and enjoy your staycation.

My top 10 stupid laugh so hard you don’t care about anything anymore films by the way are:
Dumb and Dumber, Blades of Glory, Neapolitan Dynamite, Austen Powers, Meet the Fockers, anything with Will Ferrell, Rushmore, The Cable Guy, The Royal Tenemboums, Fun with Dick and Jane, Liar Liar..anything with Jim Carey. Would love to hear from anyone that has a fav.


  1. so true! I hear ya girl. Gary tried ordering a roof rake on amazon overnight delivery...they said they could overnight March!

    My new faves are the proposal, fools gold and failure to launch, and of course the classic better off dead! I have a thing for the guys in these movies I think so that helps.

    Stay dry and maybe on the next snow day we should trade children just to mix it up a little.. ;)

  2. Better Off Dead is an excellent one, a classic, good choice Melanie. :) I have to say that I love Wedding Crashers, although it is not for polite company, it makes me laugh out loud everytime. I know I have many other favorites, but sadly I can't name them right now, my brain has gone snow crazy.

  3. Lisa Lisa Lisa - I laughed out loud reading your blog - thank you! Of course, still in Pittsburgh, the weather is not so bad. I love the movie Groundhog Day, I look forward to it every year. Better Off Dead was one my hubby and I were trying to find on cable - where's my two dollars???? Love it!
    Sometimes you have to laugh, because it sure beats crying!
    Here's to warm weather and bonfires at the pool!
