Monday, February 21, 2011

Beiber Fever

Well, running a little late with this weeks blog. But better late then never. This week, I am going to talk about Justin Beiber. Yes, that cute adorable jumping jackaroo of a kid. I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago. In 3D no less. It was like he really reached out and touched me. I took my sweet Justin loving neighbor with me and her Mom. I don’t have girls, but have a great relationship with my little friend and she is growing into a regular teeny bopping gal that just like most girls out CRAZY for the Justin.

I can see his appeal. He’s a social media miracle. He came out of no where and with some raw talent, mixed with his over stimulated boy hormones to jump, run, sing, dance, twirl, zig, zag and have fun doing it I can certainly relate to having three little hellions exactly in the making. His Mom is a wonderful lady who seems to have a strong Christian faith. His grandparents were certainly very involved in his life and thus a sturdy family unit. Justin seems to have grown in the midst of many friends and family, a humble existence before hitting the music industry machine. He has a great voice, a lot of energy and very entertaining.

So, this is where my praise for the Justin will stop. Why Lucy!? you may ask would I have anything against the Justin. Well, firstly it’s not about’s about Him. Maybe the capital Him that Lady Gaga sings about in her new song that she sang fresh from her alien egg. I think it is sad that Justin’s mom has sold her baby to the music industry. In this movie we see how Justin is pushed to 86 concerts within a short period of time. My question is what the heck is the rush?
WHO DOES this to a young kid? Then they have difficulty in getting the kid to rest his vocal cords...he is sick and burnt out. The music industry's producer I see is pretty self centered. He’s out to make money and make Justin famous and he’s very successful at it. But at what expense?

In the movie we see little 6 year old girls screaming, crying with hysteria saying they will be Justin Beiber’s wife. Yes...6 years old. I couldn’t see any 6 year old boys in the mix, but I could have missed them. Not only is Justin Beiber is the object of desire but these moms are allowing their girls to develop the Justin Beiber idol craze. I think this goes way beyond just going to a concert and enjoying some music. This is mass hysteria. In one breath backstage Justin’s Mom prays that “God be glorified” but in Rolling Stone Justin quoted...”I’ll never tell them they need Jesus.” God forbid that Justin Beiber says Jesus to a crowd of screaming girls.

The wonderful thing Justin does, is give back to his audience. He loves them. And why not. They love him more than Him. He takes one girl, randomly out of the audience and serenades her to “No more lonely girls”, gives her roses and if she’s really lucky gently touches her cheek or gives her a hug. Who would not go gaga with that I tell you.

So here is my thing. Justin Beiber has not been in the music industry very long. He’s green and has absolutely NO street smarts. But I do, and as a Mom and I smell disaster waiting to happen.
So what does idolatry+consumerism = you got it. EVIL. I don’t care if the kid was brought up in a Christian home, his mother sold him to Mr. Producer moneybags and it’s only a matter of time that poor innocent Justin gets polluted by fame and fortune if not already. Not because he is going to fall from grace but he didn’t acknowledge the need for God’s grace in his own life aka...JESUS.

Justin says in Rolling Stone, “the Bible says you only need God in your heart and you go to heaven...” oh baby..someones been lying to you if your actually read scripture correctly it says no one can have eternal life but through Jesus. You need Jesus in your heart. God can be anything in todays could be cookie monster for goodness sake in your heart.

Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

So when Justin says he’ll never say to his fans they need Jesus, but at the very end of singing duets with Mily Cyrus dressed in leather thigh highs...think about the message little Hannah Montana sends out in her provocative wares to those little girls. It certainly isn’t ”God loves you!”
This is the commercial over sexualization of our young children is driven by the music industry at it's finest and Justin's mom as well as the production crowd are all part of the picture.
I really wonder if this is the type of "giving God the glory" that Justin’s Mom had asked God to honor in her prayer backstage. Justin gives his fans credit knowing they could someday stop buying his music, which is question is, what will you have Justin when the music industry turns sour on you. In an interview with Diane Sawyer, she asked if he was going to go to college. And he said he already has a career so he thinks he’s doing alright. But while this is true, what message does that send to kids about education? So Justin (if he ever reads this) you said if there was one person in the Bible you would want to be it would be Job. If you don’t give glory and honor to Christ in your time of abundance and feel shame to mention the name of Jesus if you say you are a Christian because Mr. Producer might drop you like a stinky sock then be careful of what you wish for. Will you be content with just lunch meat in your fridge once again?
I doubt it will get to that, but as a Mom of faith...I must protect my children from the over sexualization of our culture and provide the truth which is that every girl out there screaming YOUR name need Jesus and His Grace more than they need a dozen roses and serenaded by your lovely virginal voice. If you give God the glory, He will never let you down.

As a Mom who is Christian, is saddens me to see such young girls completely idolizing a young kid that for all of the 2 minutes he’s been on the scene get so hysterical over the perfection of Justin Beiber. Mostly because I can foresee his rise and fall. He says he never wants to let his fans down, ever. But the music industry doesn't exactly allow him to be set up for success in this arena. He’ll loose that popularity because his clean virginal ways will grow old with the world and frankly the money clock is set to microwave popcorn mode. Just ask the Jonas brothers...where are they? The industry has complete control over his image and like Britney and Christina who also were raised in Christian homes, at the first hint that the records and stadiums don’t sell out...they repackage, remarket with a different message...and it certainly won’t be “You need Jesus”.

So I pray that Justin wakes up and if he’s old enough to drink coffee...maybe he and his Mom will come to their senses and see the truth of the music industry and ship that kid off to college.

Monday, February 14, 2011

The Kings Speech

So I finally found a babysitter that will take my three sweet little terrors and listen to all they want to say about superheros so my hubby and I can duck out and catch a moment to ourselves.

This blog is turning out to be quite a hodge podge of information, but hey...that’s what you get when a mother of three that probably has ADD and is raising a family all to which have inherited the attention qualities of their parents combined ability to focus. I do have to say, in sneaking out of the house and praying that the babysitter would keep the children from lighting the house on fire, that our wishes for a lovely evening were answered. We popped into our local sushi bar and had some spider rolls and off to the independent cinema to see the best film of the year-The Kings Speech. After the movie was over, I knew I had to do a “review” or at least a two thumbs up regarding this movie. 

Firstly, I might say we as Americans really disdain the idea of a Monarchy, but the Brits simply love it. We simply fail to realize this aspect of importance in European history and especially British life. Here in America we are centered around individuality and democracy and self governance. In today's culture, we give ear to master orators, elected leaders that are effective debaters, we value political savvy, and pride ourselves a success when someone that has been promoted from within a structure or organization because of the sweat on their brow. In a Monarchy, as many of you know, the whole aspect of having a King is centered on the presupposed view of “Divine right to rule”. So the idea of a King in our culture is unfathomable, and yet this movie gives light to how important the Prince of Windsor thought of his place within the royal family and the question of who was worthy of standing in such a position.

In an era of broadcast communication, the radio was a powerful propulsion in expanding ideas as we can see how TV, the Internet and social networking have influenced our own culture.

Most political figures are elected because they have succeeded in their communications with the masses. Even our current president has mastered the art of communication and stands as living proof of our success in communication strategies. But what if we had a President that couldn’t physically speak? I highly doubt he would ever get to office. Society would simply reject him, as tolerant as our society claims itself to be this is the truth. Being a good communicator is probably the most important quality we as Americans seek in a political leader. We pick political leaders I dare to say to like cast show on NBC, and I will stretch it a bit more and say because we would rather be entertained than actually care about some of the dire situations this politcal leader would end up facing. 

So here in the Kings Speech you have an individual with the “Divine right to rule” in an era of communication advancement that simply is inability to speak to anyone without stuttering, 

even his own children. You also have the rise of Hitler’s regime looming down the distance, a master orator and obviously effective at communication spreading his voice throughout Eastern Europe. What is a prospective King to do? Well, this builds tension doesn’t it?

Of course there are several things in this movie that give light to how our society have delt with communication defects in the past. We have come a long way, however the social stigma still does not change the social emotional difficulties anyone faces if they live with a communication disorder. One is that intimidation never works. Two, is that crazy marbles in the mouth methods do not work. At the heart of of something like this underlays a deeper issue such as neuro connections in the brain, possibly epilepsy and other defects in brain pathways. What worsens the problem, is making the person feel like they can control the defect from the start with their “hard work” and just “making up your mind” to do it. The shame of having a terrible speech defect as a countrymen or pauper is one thing, but to be King and have to address the nation? The mounting pressure of looming war drew hard on the heart of the King and yet, how utterly powerless and isolated he felt. 

The soon to be Queen, played by Helen Bonham Carter was simply lovely. In searching out all kinds of things to help, she finally came to the spirited Aussie Lionel who is played by Geoffery Rush. Finally in a desperate last resort, sought for his ability to help “speech defects” and with not one royal credential takes on the Kings issue. The fact is that Lionel is not “approved” or given “proper” credentials by the church of England or anyone else for that matter only makes this story even more redeeming to me then just the simple plot. We pride ourselves even to this day on credentials and diplomas. However, how like God’s mysterious ways to use something utterly unconventional to help this King overcome his speech. It is only when the King, finally accepts the trust of Lionel’s friendship and equality as a fellow human being the emotional walls are broken and the King is able to bridge the gap of this gaping reveene of fear of rejection. 

This movie shows how the effects of fear, shame and hurt turn into defense, pride, anger and how the bondage of those relationships, disables us from fulfilling our potential that God has for us. This movie  also paints a picture of grace in the relationship of the Kings wife, who forever is by his side and knows the intimacy of his struggle and desires to help heal those wounds.  The risk of true friendship in Lionel was something that was a salve to the Kings heart, who never had a friend in his life as a royal member and also as person whose disability handicapped the King from socially taking risks. The final moment of redemption of the King being able to open his mouth and speak was triumphant for both Lionel and the King. He gave the King a voice and it was the performance of a lifetime to a nation in grave crisis. In fact, many people have said post WWII  it was the Kings speeches that gave them hope and knew that the King had not abandoned them during that time of chaos in history and stood strong by their side especially has it took the courage to hold fast to their position and not relocate to Canada as the government continually requested.

Exodus- Moses said to the LORD, “Pardon your servant, Lord. I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor since you have spoken to your servant. I am slow of speech and tongue.”

Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Fisher Cat Day!

So how about some comic relief? Between ice dams leaking in my kitchen, and bathroom, snow days mid week and family members being sick I think the good old fashioned medicine in order is some humor. It’s February and this is not yet “hump” month in New England...that’s more like April. We have had record snowfall and everyone knows that more is coming, after all several years ago I remember it snowing on April first. I think that was God’s way of saying it’s spring! April fools! At this point, we hear reports from our family in Australia about how hot it is, in fact they’ve had cyclone Yasi hit. That means fall is around the corner on that end of the globe like hurricane season over here indicates climatic change. So hear me when I say the change is coming! But here in New England it seems like the same weather forecast over and over again. A bit like the good ol’ movie Groundhogs Day with Bill Murry. This is always been one of my favorite movies because I grew up in Pittsburgh, PA and that cute little furry groundhog was a national my childlike eyes of 8. I love comedy and I love movies. Especially the silly slapstick ones with Bill Murray. So if you are finding it hard to cope with the weather, the dark, the bitter cold or if you are sick and tired of hearing the drip, drip drip of water in a bucket or maybe you are reminiscing of that hot day in tropical paradise you had last year in February and wished you hadn’t complained about it maybe a comedy choice on Netflix is the medicine you need.

Laughter is one of the best ways to cope with adversity, don’t let anyone else tell you different.
Like people laugh when they are nervous. That is a load of you know what. Laughter is Life!
At this point in what the weather brings, I have to laugh. I laugh at the weather report. I laugh at the thought of all of New England having to shovel their roofs, not once but three times a week.
I am laughing and crying at the same time. Crying because it feels so good to know that March is around the corner and Puxitawny Phil furrball will be groundhog soup if he isn’t right this year. We need our own New England animal that we yank out of hibernation to ask prophetic weather questions of. I think the animal should reflect the types of winters for the area of the nation. For New England, I say Fisher Cat. Let’s ask Mr. New England Fisher Cat if we are going to have 6 more months of this shall we?

Snow, partly cloudy with snow, more snow, ice pellets, sun...which melts the snow and makes ice dams, then more snow, rake roof with neighbors rake because they are all sold out at home depot, Snow, partly cloudy with a “wintery mix”, more snow...another snow day, people running to the store like crazy people buying milk and bread, water leaking into kitchen and ice man, ice man says...I’ll put you on the list, insurance adjuster comes...more snow, rake roof, find water in the basement, kids have cabin fever, send them outside to make an igloo, go to the store and pray to find Easter eggs coming soon because you are sick of snow flake motifs and don’t even want to look at candy hearts because it’s a reminder that it’s only Feburary, the cashier says even a bigger storm is coming on Superbowl Sunday, that means....SNOW! Rake roof, shovel the driveway, defrost the car to get to the store, dig a spot for the dog to pee, knock icicles off roof so kids don’t get impaled or blinded, sun and maybe some rain, this cascades off your roof into your basement and down the side of your house, Freezing rain and ice, sub zero temps that encrust your entire home in ice....don’t forget to salt the walk so the mailman delivers your Netflix comedy film.

See, when you have winters like’ll go to the extreme risk of mulling yourself to ask a sleeping Fisher cat what the next 6 years will be like. Phil is very tolerable, he should be commended for his service. Most of the time he’s wrong. So, my recommendation is to find some comic relief where you can. Make some tea, make a fire and get those comedy films delivered to your house and enjoy your staycation.

My top 10 stupid laugh so hard you don’t care about anything anymore films by the way are:
Dumb and Dumber, Blades of Glory, Neapolitan Dynamite, Austen Powers, Meet the Fockers, anything with Will Ferrell, Rushmore, The Cable Guy, The Royal Tenemboums, Fun with Dick and Jane, Liar Liar..anything with Jim Carey. Would love to hear from anyone that has a fav.