Now stay with me here and think about what was happening under that total lunar eclipse of 1638AD and how far we've come in technology, knowledge and culture. I am not talking about any lunar eclipse I am talking about a significant TOTAL lunar eclipse on the winter's solstice that means the earth and it's alignment haven't been the same for hundreds of years. Total lunar eclipses actually have been part to play in grand experiments, they have been a large part to play in proving things scientifically. The Greeks used it to prove how far the moon was from us to the 10%. In fact, the Dir. of the Hayden Planetarium says we can tell from this last one, what status our pollution level is in the atmosphere...kind of an atmospheric report card if you will. I wonder how we did don't you?
Some of my closer friends know that I have been interested in these eclipses for several months now and when or where they fall. Why? Well, it has occurred to me that things like this come and go and no one ponders about the significance of their happening. We sleep through most of these events, we get swept out into the economic and celebration pressures of our cultures and countries, we try to get comfortable in our cold dark world and pull the covers up over our head. I have pondered this verse for years and every year, every time I read it is rings out loud for me...LOOK UP!
And God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. And let them be for SIGNS and for SEASONS,and for days and years,and let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it was so. (GEN 14)
Several foundational things we should know about time, calendering and increments of measure. One is that the Roman calender is Roman (pagan), set to the sun and all the celebrations set to that calender are...well....pagan. The Jewish calender is Jewish and set to the sun AND the moon and the calendering system was written into the Torah and this is why Passover and all Jewish holidays change year to year. The Islamic calender is set to only the moon and is synced up to the Gregorian calender it is called Hijri. So with that foundational knowledge transport yourself into a different "time" and imagine it is 1638AD and you are in North America. You'd be all snuggled up in your tee pee with your papoose, or smoking a good tobacco pipe...or maybe you lived in Puritan New England half freezing, and/or starving to death. Imagine what the Natives of North America thought with such a rare occasion of a blood red moon. Omen? Well, depending on how you look at it. You are here and they are not. Look what has happened in our history since 1638 AD and only then can we even grasp the
how fast we have increased our knowledge in such a short amount of time on all calenders. In my area, in the 1600s, New England puritans it was forbidden and outlawed to celebrate Christmas because they associated it with the Roman pagan festival Saturnalia. We've come a long way baby! Now we just have Santa, Buddy the elf and sour patch candy canes at Target.
So what does this have to do with Christmas, faith and all that you may ask. I asked myself the same question and mind you I am not suggesting to go back to Puritan ways or Puritan theology. But I will ask, do you think that God wants us to stop driving all over the place to get that last mint candy cane at the Walmart or take the time to open our eyes in the heart of the darkest time in man's history since 1638AD? "Hey there Lucy2Shoes, it ain't dark...I can see fine with these light up LED lights I got on special at the dollar store what are you talking about the darkest time in history?" If you can't acknowledge growing darkness in the world then you have too many LED Christmas lights shining in your face.
When we say Jesus or how about a more politically correct term "The Christ Child" is the light to the world what do you think it means? A cheap plug in lamp? We are are so lit up in our culture that we can't see the stars let alone the significance of a total blood red moon.
In New York City seeing a star is a rare occurrence and if you do see one it's time to celebrate...either that or you basically are in a black out. So what does this have to do with the lunar eclipse? It's called light pollution. Can we unplug ourselves for a while and sit in the dark, look up and witness a sign from the heavens? Can we stop searching for candy canes and soak in the actual significance of being on this planet and know that we are dwelling in just as much darkness and struggle as the natives or Puritans of North America in 1638AD?
Well in order to get our attention, maybe God is sending a little message on our time zone because we just are too blind sighted by our Christmas trees to care.
Look up (and know that your redemption is near)! Pay attention (do not be deceived for there are many who come in my name)! Watch (be alert, live unto God at all times)! Wake up (do not slumber, know one knows the hour or the day)! Arise (Get ready for the coming of the Lord)!
The Star of Bethlehem is one component to the prophesies leading up to the birth of Christ. This is why the Magi came and how they knew where to go. They were looking up and turning their brains on for directions. Calender, star alignment, prophesy and getting on that camel and going to greet the King. That's what I call action. The fact is that again I say Dec 25th really has no significance to the Christ child, we've made it on this day because of the Roman calender. But let's turn off the lights, unplug our man made lights and choose to see the signs of Messiah's coming once again. Rejoice!
Here is a fascinating video on the Star of Bethlehem.
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