If I had one thing to say to Miley Cyrus...or the little girls that look up to her and the Lady Gagas, the Britney Spears, the Rhinnas, the Madonnas, the Katy Perrys. I must ask these women, do you want to be respected as equals in this world? Do you want to be protected by the idiotic objectifications of men? Are you really more than just a pretty face? A headless body? How does our culture freak out about Barbie's unnatural proportions when we have butt slapping g-strings on prime-time TV?
Sadly, these sisters do more more harm for women's equality with their crotch grabbing on stage girls. You can be cute, smart...and yes..keep your booty to yourself and not be called a "prude" for doing so.
In FACT, you might actually work some progress in the fight for women's equality in the world. I have more respect for the women in burqas in the middle east who fight everyday of their lives to overcome a male dominated culture as they literally RISK their lives to do simple things like the right to drive a car. Women demand equal pay, equal opportunities. We already have these "rights" in this country, however when cute little things like Miley Cyrus or Britney Spears pole dance in a plaid school girl skirt takes us back centuries to women as "possessions" rather than equals to men. To be seen as an equal is impossible if the image of women continues to be one of a sexual toy, an object. That image is one that mankind upholds in our culture and it is not just MEN'S faults simply because they have that insane hormone called Testosterone coursing through their veins. Men and women are responsible for the image creating of "what" or "who" women are. That includes the producers of these crazy VMAs sitting in suits (or skirts) behind big desks in Hollywood and think that this is a "great idea!". They are simply stupid. Now I actually love music. I personally like the angry feminist Alanis Morrisette or the proportionally "accurate" Adele's "Rolling in the Deep". I pray I never see either of my favorites do a dance number like Miley's.
Little girls. Listen up. If you flaunt yourself, men will NEVER respect you- or what you say as worth anything. They won't even buy your records or think of you as a REAL artist. If you really want to see some progressive women's equality in this culture, don't believe the lies and trends these tarts seem to sell to our young people. Be confident in "who" and "what" you are, a child of God. God created you in HIS image.
Love, Pastor Barbie (also known as Lucy2Shoes)
I'm happy to endorse these cuties that rock the music and love Jesus!!